Business Owners & Entrepreneurs In addition to working with individual Career Coaching clients, Creative Cadence also provides consulting services for business owners and their marketing teams. […]
Reflections on The Hardship of Being an Active Member of Today’s Workforce by guest blogger: Corporate Executive I once heard an interview with a famous […]
World Premier: Accomplished Documentarian Brought Beyond Laughter and Tears: A Journey of Hope to CIFF Doug Blush and I first met back in 2012 when CIFF […]
Whether with your resume or your LinkedIn profile, think of your audience as highly-educated, over-informed, over-worked and understaffed managers who are suffering from some level of […]
”Forgive yourself for not becoming the person you once thought you were supposed to be. Just be the best person you already are.“- A.S. #CreativeCadence Photo: […]
1. Religion is good. Evolution is immoral. 2. Mythology will determine your destiny. Science is scary. 3. Natural childbirth will save the good race. In vitro […]
“Stop going for the easy buck and start producing something with your life. Create, instead of living off the buying and selling of others.” – Carl […]
“Think big, think positive, never show any sign of weakness.” – Louis Winthorpe III, Trading Places #CreativeCadence Career Coaching Photo: A. Sukhoy. London. 2006.